Advanced single implants restorations and introduction to short-span bridges

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Presented by Dr Graham Carmichael and Dr Glen Liddelow

CPD Location icon
The Brånemark Center

143 Colin Street West Perth

CPD Time allocation
9:00 am
5:00 pm

For clinicians with some experience with implant therapy, this program expands your skills to include more advanced aesthetic refinement for the single implant restoration, and introduction to short-span implant bridges.

Course information
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Forclinicians with some experience with implant therapy, this program expands yourskills to include more advanced aesthetic refinement for the single implant restoration, and introduction to short-span implant bridges.

From the restorative perspective, this program covers loading concepts, treatment staging and the practical skills for implant provisional restorations that support soft tissue. Biomaterial options for abutments will be evaluated together with case presentations that illustrate the concepts covered in the program. Critical decision factors will be discussed, including: when to immediately load, ASC abutment and full contour zirconia implant restorations.

Learning Objectives

  • How to restore a short-span bridge
  • How to treat advanced single implant restorations
  • Temporisation of implants to sculpt soft tissue
  • How to customise an impression coping
  • Restorative options with NobelProcera
Attendees must have completed a minimum of ten single unit implant restorations

Lunch, morning and afternoon tea


Terms & Conditions

Dr Graham Carmichael is a Board registered Prosthodontist and faculty member of the Brånemark Center in West Perth. He obtained a BDSc from the University of Western Australia and has a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics from the University of Sydney.

Dr Carmichael is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and a consultant prosthodontist at Perth Children’s Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital. He lectures nationally and internationally on all aspects of Prosthodontics.

Dr Glen Liddelow completed a BDSc and a MDSc from the University of Western Australia and a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry (Prosthodontics) from the University of Sydney. He is a board certified Prosthodontist, member of the Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists, and Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. Glen is also a member of the Australian Prosthodontic Society, the Australasian Osseointegration Society, the Academy of Osseointegration and the Dental Study Group of WA.

Dr Liddelow is a lecturer and online expert advisor for the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Global Institute for Dental Education (gIDE) program, and a consultant prosthodontist at Perth Children’s Hospital for Children and Royal Perth Hospital. Dr Liddelow has presented over 300 papers and lectures both nationally and internationally and is a member of numerous university and industry boards concerned with dental education. He is the Director of the Brånemark Center Osseointegration training program in dental implants.

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