Fundamentals of Prosthodontic Principles

Presented by

Drs Glen Liddelow, Graham Carmichael, Chanel Kenny, Adam Hamilton and Josh Graieg

CPD Location icon
ADA House

54 – 58 Havelock Street, West Perth

CPD Time allocation
8:30 am
5:00 pm
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Course information
Product information

This full day lecture course will cover the following topics:  

  • Examination, diagnosis, treatment planning
  • Principles of tooth preparation
  • Restorative Materials
  • Impression techniques
  • Scanning principles
  • Provisional restorations      
  • Cementation

It is highly recommended that you attend the lecture if you are planning to enrol in any of the hands-on modules.  

You are welcome to attend the lecture without enrolling in the hands-on modules.

Please note: There will be a series of pros hands-on modules throughout the year following this lecture. Check the ADAWA website for when these modules become available for registration.
Lunch, morning and afternoon tea


Terms & Conditions

Dr Glen Liddelow is a prosthodontist primarily concerned with both the surgical and prosthetic  aspects of implant dentistry and is a Director of The Brånemark Center Perth.  He is a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia,  a consultant prosthodontist in the Craniofacial Unit of Perth Children’s  Hospital and an examiner for the Academy of Australian and New Zealand  Prosthodontists.

Dr Graham  Carmichael is a Board registered Prosthodontist and director of the Brånemark  Center in West Perth. He holds fellowships with the Royal Australasian  College of Dental Surgeons, International College of Dentistry and the  Australian and New Zealand Academy of Prosthodontics. He is a consultant  prosthodontist at Perth Children’s Hospital and lectures nationally and  internationally on all aspects of Prosthodontics.

Dr Chanel  Kenny is a Specialist Prosthodontist at Elegant Smiles in South Perth. She  is a Member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, and Fellow  of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Prosthodontists. Her main interests are 3D printing, CAD CAM and both tooth and implant based rehabilitations.  


Dr Adam Hamilton is the Discipline  lead in Prosthodontics at the University of Western Australia and works  privately at the Centre for Prosthodontics.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian  College of Dental Surgeons and the International Team for Implantology (ITI).


Dr Josh Graieg is a Specialist Prosthodontist at the  Brånemark Center in West Perth and Cottesloe Dental in Peppermint Grove. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, a Consultant Prosthodontist with the Craniofacial Unit at Perth Children’s Hospital, and a Key Opinion Leader for Kerr / KaVo.

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