Indemnity Insurance

MDA National supports the members of ADAWA, protecting the dental profession

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Supporting the ADAWA and protecting the dental profession

MDA National is a premium medical defence organisation that promotes good medical and dental practice. It supports and protects more than 50,000 medical and dental practitioners and students, including ADAWA members.
MDA National Insurance underwrites the Dental Indemnity Policies that the ADAWA provides access to for their members. MDA National also offers a competitive Practice Indemnity Policy to help protect medical and dental practice entities and their employees. Below is brief summary of the cover provided under the Policy however for full details and terms and conditions please refer to the Important Information and Policy wording of the current Dental Indemnity Policy available on the website. Nothing in this summary alters the terms and conditions of the cover under the Policy.

Extensive professional indemnity cover for you

The MDA National Dental Indemnity Policy* will insure you for:

- up to $40,000,000 in the aggregate total and$20,000,000 for any one claim for:

  • Claims of professional negligence in connection with your provision of dental services and Good Samaritan acts.
  • Claims arising out of unintended breach of the Privacy Act
  • Reporting an incident or a healthcare professional to a hospital, area health authority or professional body, or participating in an investigation of such an incident.
  • Claims of professional negligence against a practice entity controlled by you when the claim is in connection with the provision of dental services by you.

- up to $500,000 cover for legal costs arising from:

  • Investigations by Professional Registration bodies such as AHPRA or the Dental Board or Professional Services Review(PSR) Committee. 
  • Inquiries by professional bodies such as a health services authority, State Administrative Tribunals, Royal Commission, Coroners Court, the Australian Information Commissioner, Anti-Discrimination Board, or private health insurance funds arising out of the provision of dental services by you.
  • Costs relating to orders of a professional or administrative body that you are ordered to pay as a result of an investigation or inquiry.
  • You seek an Apprehended Violence Order where there is a threat to you, or your immediate family related to the dental services provided by you.
  • The successful defense of a claim, investigation or inquiry arising out of alleged sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment) or criminal conduct by you against a patient arising out of your provision of dental services.

- up to $100,000 in the aggregate for loss of documents cover (dental practitioners only)

- up to $20,000 in the aggregate for loss of income for attending a hearing at court with respect to civil liability claims against you

Protection for your practice entity and staff

MDA National Insurance’s Practice Indemnity Policy* covers dental practices, the Principal of the Practice and practice employees for:

  • Civil liability cover including defence costs
  • Breach of privacy complaints
  • Notifiable conduct protection (whistle blower protection)
  • Loss of documents
  • Intellectual property disputes
  • Defence costs for defamation (an excess applies)
  • Defence costs for investigations
  • Cover for Trade Practices/Competition and Consumer Act breaches
  • Cover for Directors, Principals or Partners (but not in the capacity of a health professional)
  • Choice of limit of indemnity with one automatic reinstatement
  • Defence costs for employment disputes (but not by the Practice against employees or contractors)
  • Clinical Trials cover (against a Practice or insured for healthcare provided as part of a Clinical Trials or research project)

Call the ADAWA on 089211 5600 to join or discuss your professional indemnity needs.

*Subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy and underwriting approval. Various limits and sub limits apply to the different covers

The MDA National Group is made up of MDA National Limited ABN 67 055 801 771 and MDA NationalInsurance Pty Ltd ABN 56 058 271 417 AFS Licence No. 238073. Insurance products are underwritten by MDA National Insurance. Before making a decision to buy or hold any products issued by MDA National Insurance, please consider your personal circumstances, and read the relevant Important Information and Policy Wording available at 

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(08) 9211 5600


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