54-58 Havelock Street West Perth WA 6005
Communication in tricky situations – the emergency appointment and when things go wrong.
The first Study Club of 2025 in our New Practitioner Program will be presented by Dr Colm Harney on Thursday April 10. Colm will be presenting: Communication in tricky situations – the emergency appointment and when things go wrong.
Join us for a fun evening in a supportive environment with other recent graduates just like you - for only $25!
The Study Clubs are also open to DMD4 final year students, free of charge.
If you are a new practitioner, don’t miss out on this Study Club and informative evening.
Registration from 6.00pm.
Colm has worked as a GDP in Ireland, the UK and Australia. He completed postgraduate studies in communication skills and dispute resolution and worked in healthcare dispute resolution as an accredited mediator.
Colm currently works as a dentolegal consultant with Dental Protection and part-time in general practice in Perth.